Men's Health premia a Cherky: ECO Beef Jerky Teriyaki

Cherky is awarded by Men's Health: ECO Beef Jerky Teriyaki

diciembre 08, 2020

Hi again Meatlovers,

We are very happy to tell you that Men's Health magazine has chosen our ECO Beef Jerky Teriyaki as one of the top 3 products for athletes in 2020.

Men's Health magazine awards the Healthy Food Awards after conducting a survey in Spain with more than 5,600 participants in which different consumption and lifestyle habits are analyzed.

The Healthy Food Awards are made up of 9 categories and the ECO Beef Jerky Teriyaki has been selected as one of the best products within the sports category. 

For us it is a recognition of a well made job and the effort involved in launching a product that goes against so many trends in the food industry.


PD: you can see why this awesome snack has been awarded clicking here. Stunning macros and organic ingredients.



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