Why organic products? There are two main reasons:
Ecological or extensive livestock farming (all the meat we use comes from this type of livestock):
Intensive livestock farming:
FinalMeat Project
We are aware of the great responsibility we have as a company. This has led us to work with other companies and institutions in the FinalMeat project that seeks to improve the quality of life of animals and the environment.
Together with the Association of Cattle Ranchers of the Siete Villas in La Rioja and the CTIC-CITA Food Technology Center, the influence of feeding with grass and raising cattle in extensive farms is being studied. This not only improves the flavor and nutritional profile of the meat, but also has a positive impact on the environment. Traditional livestock activity improves the health of the land thanks to the continuous growth of the grass that cattle eat and the natural fertilizer they generate.
The Logroño Slaughterhouse also participates in this project, which has facilities designed to reduce the stress of the animal before it is slaughtered.
Our objectives are to improve the quality that we offer to our customers, a positive return to the environment and certify animal welfare.