Hello Meatlovers, this is a post you will find interesting for sure.
Did you know that there are more and more people eating basically meat, salt and water?
In the last year or so the Carnivore Diet has exploded in popularity and has become one of the most searched terms in the health-diet concerned community.
In a world that is going plant-based, controversy is helping to spread the word as the carnivore diet goes against the grain of almost every dietary advice and guideline that we get from governments, media and food industry.
Guidelines that have proved not very useful as obesity and food related diseases continue to grow.
Also the positive experiences of people like Joe Rogan or Jordan Peterson had made this diet to be a bit more mainstream, the video is worth it:
As the name suggests, this diet is based on meat and animal products like dairy or eggs. It excludes plants, that's right, no fruits, no vegetables.
It is worth mentioning that we are not trying to give any medical or dietary advice here, the purpose of this post is to give you an overview of this diet.
No research has analyzed the effects of The Carnivore diet
What is The Carnivore Diet?
The Carnivore Diet stems from the controversial belief that human ancestral populations ate mostly meat and fish and that high-carb diets are to blame for today’s high rates of chronic disease.
Other popular low-carb diets, like the keto and paleo diets, limit but don’t exclude carb intake. However, the Carnivore Diet aims for zero carbs.
This is the definition found in www.meatrx.com:
Carnivore diet means getting nutrition from animal sourced foods and severely limiting or eliminating all plants from the diet. The purpose for this way of eating is health improvement, fat loss, healing the body and mind, and relief from many chronic illnesses.
Thousands of people have reduced or even reversed symptoms of diabetes, digestive issues, depression, mental disorders, skin conditions, joint pain, hormonal imbalances, lyme disease, chronic fatigue, candida overgrowth, pain, inflammation, etc.
Meat Rx is the biggest carnivore community founded by Dr. Shawn Baker where you can get guidance and coaching about the potential benefits of eating just animal products and a lot of stories about how this extreme diet has affected people's lives.
The website and the internet are flooded with testimonials from those who follow the Carnivore Diet as proof that it can treat depression, anxiety, arthritis, obesity, diabetes, and more.
What to eat, what not to eat. Following the carnivore diet:
If you decide to give this a try you will have to eliminate all plant foods from your diet and exclusively eat animal products.
Foods to eat include beef, chicken, pork, lamb, turkey, organ meats, salmon, sardines, white fish, and small amounts of heavy cream and hard cheese. Butter, lard, and bone marrow are also allowed.
People seem to do better with meat from ruminants (beef, veal, lamb, etc.). Pork, chicken, eggs and seafood are often also well tolerated. Dairy products can be included for some people but many will need to limit the amount or types of dairy.
Proponents of the diet emphasize eating fatty cuts of meat to reach your daily energy needs.
Coffee and tea can be consumed, but many people find that excluding them is helpful. The same goes for alcohol.
Most Carnivore Diet proponents suggest to eat as desired and they do not take into account guidelines regarding calorie intake, serving sizes, or how many meals or snacks to eat per day.
Foods to eat in the Carnivore Diet
Foods not to eat in the Carnivore Diet
Sugars: table sugar, maple syrup, brown sugar, etc.
As we stated before we do not want to promote the adoption of the Carnivore Diet as no studies or trials have been conducted.
We are very pro diets and lifestyles that promote an active life and the consumption of nutrient dense foods that avoid ultra processed cheap products with low beneficial nutrients like pastries, soda, cookies and similar.
We love paleo and keto diets and also we looove meat so the Carnivore Diet is something interesting to explore about.
If you want to know more about it we leave here some links: